Delivering Smiles to Veterans

by | Nov 11, 2018

Seven years ago we launched a simple, but novel idea to provide team building experiences “that matter” to corporate America. As an alternative to the usual ropes climbing course, golf outing or catamaran sailing, we thought corporate teams would enjoy an event that was not only fun, but also made a social impact in their communities. We believed that corporate teams wanted to make a measurable mark on society, make a difference, change lives!

And we were right. Our original concept led us to conduct team building activities where corporate teams assembled our Cheeriodicals (our signature big green boxes) filled with an assortment of kids’ toys, playthings, games, and puzzles on site at their meetings. These teams loved the fact that their cumulative work would lead to hundreds of children receiving a personalized gift box full of joy for local hospitalized children seeking a reason to smile. And best yet, small groups of these corporate teams could join us at the hospital to deliver the Cheeriodicals in person.

And so it was, we held hands with corporate America and delivered tens of thousands of Cheeriodicals to hospitalized children across the US. Imagine the feeling of waking up knowing that your work would bring smiles to children struggling with healthcare issues, bring relief to families searching for a new way to provide a positive distraction for their children, even provide a ray of sunshine to healthcare professionals that provide care to these children.

Truth be told, we could have easily kept our focus squarely on spreading cheer to hospitalized children. But like most ideas, we realized that original idea had room to grow. We were in the business of smile creation and that business wasn’t limited to hospitalized children. In fact, smile creation should extend to anyone hospitalized with a need for a lift in spirits.

The answer became more clear when we added the need factor into the mix. What about our country’s true heroes – our Veterans? Would they appreciate a reason to smile?

Working closely with a Wells Fargo team in Birmingham, AL, we designed a Cheeriodicals event to deliver cheer to the Veteran patients at the Birmingham VA Medical Center. We also worked closely with the Voluntary Services Team at the VA Medical Center to choose the most needed, most appropriate items to include in the Veterans Cheeriodicals. In those boxes, we included two items they would cherish and keep forever: a blue fleece blanket and a stainless-steel tumbler, both monogrammed with the verbiage “Thank you for your service to our country”. The remainder of the items in the Veterans Cheeriodical were convenience items, things that Veterans needed including: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, socks and of course a few puzzle/activity books. We even partnered with US Veterans Magazine to include a current copy of their magazine devoted to our Veterans.

One photo from the Wells Fargo delivery to the Birmingham VA Medical Center says it all:

After seeing the overwhelmingly positive impact from that first Cheeriodicals Veterans event, we realized that we had to develop this new market and reach as many Veterans as possible. And that is exactly what we did. Since that very first delivery in Birmingham, we have delivered thousands (more than 5,000 as of November 2018) of Cheeriodicals to Veterans across the US, working closely with more than 20 VA Medical Centers.

Lessons Learned
Along this journey, we learned a few lessons. On this Veterans Day, the timing couldn’t be better to share these:

1. Veterans Matter – We all get caught up in our daily work, family, friends, business, tennis practice, Thanksgiving plans, you name it. We look up and days turn into weeks, into months, into years. In the midst of that passing of time, there are so many things we have to pay close attention to, the requirements of life. Out of necessity, we draw a line between what matters most and what matters less and put our energy into what matters most. It’s the way we move through life.

As I personally reflect on the things that matter most to me, ultimately Thomas Jefferson’s famed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness still describes it best nearly 250 years later. That said, would we have that pursuit if not for the sacrifices made by our country’s hero Veterans?

The answer to that question should drive us all to my conclusion – Veterans matter! What are each of us doing to show our Veterans that we thank them for their service? The answer to this question will be different for all who read this, but my point is to consider how you can show at least one Veteran that you care, that you appreciate what they have done. The opportunities are unlimited to give back and support Veterans, so reach out to your local VA Voluntary Services team to offer your services. Show Veterans that they matter!

2. VA Voluntary Services Teams Change Lives – Our most important partners in working with VA Medical Centers have been the Voluntary Services Teams. At each VA facility, this team comprised of VA employees and volunteers, has been our go-to point of contact to coordinate our gift box deliveries. This team works hand in hand with our team to plan and execute each of the deliveries on site within their hospital, including all the logistics from the time we arrive until we depart.

During our delivery events, the most important and memorable portion is when members of the corporate delivery teams are allowed the special opportunity to distribute the Cheeriodicals personally to some of the Veterans. Our corporate teams cherish these moments to surprise Veterans on an individual basis with a big green box full of cheer.

As much as the Veterans appreciate the items inside their Cheeriodical, they treasure more the fact that these corporate teams take time out of their day to visit them in person, and their thoughtful words of “thank you for your service to our country”.

Without the outstanding support of the VA Voluntary Services Teams at each facility, we would not be able to connect on a personal level with these Veterans to show our gratitude for their service and sacrifice. This team of professionals and volunteers may even enjoy our deliveries as much as the Veterans just knowing the impact of these days of giving and thanks.

Simply put – we could not spread cheer to the Veterans without the support of this incredible group of caring people and we thank each of them for helping us in our mission to recognize and celebrate our country’s military heroes.

3. Being There in Person Matters – In today’s world, we all work with growing constraints on our time. It’s often a negotiation between having time to do one thing compared to another. In that situation, often times we have to choose to participate in a passive way to get everything accomplished. It’s just a fact of life.

One of the surprises we’ve seen in our work to deliver cheer to Veterans comes from its comparison to our children’s hospital deliveries. With our children’s deliveries, once the child opens that big green box of cheer, they become immediately consumed by the toys and goodies inside. The joy of that child seeing so many new playthings takes over (as it should) and as the delivery person, you simply watch in amazement as the child has a warm-up for the holiday season. It’s a priceless feeling because you know that the items in the Cheeriodical will occupy that child’s attention for days and be a needed distraction for their entire hospital stay.

With the deliveries to the Veterans, it’s a different feeling. While the Veterans will enjoy the contents of the Cheeriodical, most of that enjoyment will happen after you deliver the gift box. Most important to the Veteran, is the fact that you are there in person and have taken the time to visit them and thank them for their service. It’s a feeling that is hard to describe in words, but is always seen in the eyes of the Veteran when they speak with you. For many Veterans, you may be the only visitor they have for days or sometimes weeks. Your visit is a chance for them to speak with someone who cares, a chance to share a story or two, a chance to connect, a chance to smile.

As each of you consider Veterans Day this year, please keep in mind that so many of our Veteran heroes are in VA Medical Centers across the country. Many of these Veterans may even spend Veterans Day alone in the hospital. Take action and do something that can be life-changing – go visit one of these heroes and share some of your time with them. Thank them for their sacrifice and service to our country. They will never forget it and neither will you.


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