A Team Building Partnership of a Lifetime

A Team Building Partnership of a Lifetime


Cheeriodicals and Two Men and a Truck (TMT) have worked for 10 years together on team building projects where their teams arrive following our team building activities to load up all the completed boxes and bags of cheer for those in need and deliver them to hospital partners.  That story has been detailed a few times over the years and seriously, we couldn’t deliver cheer without our TMT partners. As of now, our TMT partners have delivered more than 115,000 Cheeriodicals throughout the US and even in Canada. 



This week our Cheeriodicals event held in Vail, CO, required even more than the usual effort from our TMT partners. Our client held their team building activity in Vail to be conscious of social distancing/COVID constraints, hoping that getting their small team of 60-70 people out of a major city for a meeting would add to meeting safety. And they were right. The hotel meeting space and outdoor environment were perfect for their meeting and allowed their team to come together and assemble Cheeriodicals as well, this time benefiting hospitalized children and frontline workers at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children in Denver.


The Team Building Event


The corporate team rolled up their sleeves and packed 200 Cheeriodicals and posed outside for their team building photo. Wow, what a team, and how great to stand outside for a photo at 68 degrees with no humidity!



Now to the extra special effort from TMT. We reached out to Brad Dotterer at TMT Denver during the planning stage of this meeting to get his thoughts on how we could get those 200 Cheeriodicals from Vail to Denver ( a 2-hour drive ), thinking we were already asking too much, we actually just wanted their advice on the best option.


Their advice was, “why not let us do it for you?” “Are you kidding us?!” we said… That would be taking your truck and team 2 hours out of Denver and back for delivery. They simply said, “We love making Cheeriodicals deliveries and we will make it work, no questions asked.”


The TMT team arrived at the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children right on time the day following the team building exercise with all 200 Cheeriodicals ready for drop-off. As usual, their team unloaded all the boxes and safely delivered them to the front doors of the hospital where the hospital Child Life Team distributed them to children and staff from there.  


We did have enough time to take a few photos. This time we were even able to include the first TMT photo with a canine hospital employee, Posie the support dog.  



A Look Back


Back in March of 2020 we had a Cheeriodicals delivery set for this hospital and had to cancel due to the pandemic, so this delivery was extra special because we wanted to deliver smiles to this hospital to make up for the time we were unable to deliver a year and half ago. There were so many smiles from the kids after this delivery.



In addition, this delivery included Cheeriodicals to celebrate and thank the frontline workers at this hospital. These professionals have worked such long hours and had so many changes recently especially with the rise in COVID rates among children over the last month or two. We loved seeing the smiles of their staff with their Cheeriodicals Hospital Heroes bags.



We had such a great experience making this delivery to Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children and we are so appreciative to our TMT Denver partner for going above and beyond to make this delivery happen completely free of charge. 


Two Men and a Truck is truly Movers Who Care!


Check out TMT for all of your moving and storage needs here: https://twomenandatruck.com/

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On the way!