Cheeriodicals Blog

Corporate Social Responsibility

BAE Systems Delivers Cheer to Veterans with Cheeriodicals Comfort Kits
BAE Systems Delivers Cheer to Veterans with Cheeriodicals Comfort Kits

BAE Systems Delivers Cheer to Veterans with Cheeriodicals Comfort KitsAs Veterans Day approached, BAE Systems employees came together to show their appreciation for the sacrifices made by Veterans. In partnership with Cheeriodicals, the company packed and delivered...

Celebrate World Frog Day With Fun Facts and Cheeriodicals
Celebrate World Frog Day With Fun Facts and Cheeriodicals

By SK FlyntEvent Manager, Cheeriodicals   Celebrating World Frog Day Happy World Frog Day! While it might strike some as an unexpected occasion for celebration, here at Cheeriodicals, we wholeheartedly embrace World Frog Day! Our enthusiasm is rooted in our...

Highlight on Women in CSR Leadership Positions
Highlight on Women in CSR Leadership Positions

Maren McGrane stands with employees from Sonic Automotive and EchoPark Automotive during a Cheeriodicals CSR event in Birmingham, AL.   Highlight on Women in CSR Leadership Positions By Mary Martha ParisherFounder and COO, Cheeriodicals   In honor of...

Corporate Socially Responsible Team Building & Life Science Companies
Corporate Socially Responsible Team Building & Life Science Companies

Corporate Socially Responsible Team Building for Life Sciences Companies - Even during a PandemicThere are numerous ways that people define Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. It falls into that category of phrases that are too broad and often overused. But as a...

Where there’s a will, there’s a way (to pivot)
Where there’s a will, there’s a way (to pivot)

  Prior to 2020, Corporate Socially Responsible (CSR) events were pandemic-free, face to face, and hands-on experiences that brought companies together physically (without masks or sanitizer) for team building activities while in tandem serving the community. A...

Does Team Building Really Work?
Does Team Building Really Work?

YES! Team building does work. And it works very well.   Team building activities are a part of the modern corporate landscape.  But as you and your colleagues outstretch your arms to catch a coworker for yet another trust fall, part of you might start to wonder:...

Supporting The Heroes On The Frontline
Supporting The Heroes On The Frontline

We’ve worked with so many amazing companies over the years conducting our team building activities - each one inspiring us with their generosity and desire to make a difference in the lives of hospitalized children and Veterans. 9 years later, our team has just become...

Committed to Delivering Cheer!
Committed to Delivering Cheer!

Gale, a Cengage Company, provides digital resources and research technology to libraries across the country, among many other things. It’s an amazing company that ensures students and researchers have access to relevant and reliable content. But during the uncertainty...

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As we continue deliver smiles across the country to hospitalized children and Veterans, don’t miss out on the impact.

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