Here’s To A Cheerful 2021!

by | Jan 5, 2021

To all of our clients and friends, thank you for your support during 2020. Cheeriodicals has experienced all of the typical challenges during 2020. In January, we were a thriving corporate team building company that provided live events. By March of 2020, all of our events had either canceled or postponed and we were reworking our entire business model to pivot into a virtual events company. So, we certainly had our struggles   


On the other hand, there have been so many silver linings that we are grateful to receive. We’ve witnessed extreme gestures of generosity from our corporate clients who participated in Cheeriodicals virtual team building events to benefit healthcare providers, assisted living residents, Veterans, and children’s hospital patients.


It seems like the more the pandemic progressed and intensified, the more event requests to help these groups we received. We are honored to have these corporate clients that care so much about helping others and making an impact.


Another silver lining is the amazing team of professionals we get to work with – which made the pandemic, and the associated limited social activity, as pleasant as one could imagine! Certainly, the pandemic necessitated changes in our office (masks, social distancing as much as possible, a ridiculous amount of Clorox wipes) but the pandemic also brought Cheeriodicals 3 new amazingly talented employees, 2 new quarantine puppies, comical team yoga when gym visits weren’t possible and most importantly, a renewed appreciation for the simple things that have been put on hold, such as the ability to shake another’s hand, sit in a church pew next to our neighbors, or give a hug.  


In 2021, we are looking forward to working with your team again and greeting you with a good old fashioned handshake, or perhaps a hug. Until then, we hope you will join us in continuing to pray for the millions of people who have been impacted by COVID 19, as well as for this country’s leadership as we proceed through this crisis.  


From our team to yours, Cheers to 2021!

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